First Appearance (historical):
Adventure Comics #247 (1958).

First Appearance (current):
Legion of Super Heroes #0 (1994).

We present next a series of web pages about The Legion of Super Heroes, that were sent to me by my friend Oscar de Majo, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1998, in order to cooperate with my Superman site and amplify the subject of the Legion of Super Heroes, that had been treated by me only as Pre-Crisis adventures. I had no free space on the server in that time, but now, we present them to the enjoyment of the whole fans.

Texts and images by Oscar de Majo.
HTML codes adaptations and translation to English by Mariano Bayona.

Spanish Version

The most important event of the DC Comics miniserie, Zero Hour, has been without any doubt, the whole destruction of the 30th Century time line and the vanishing of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Evidently, the Crisis on Infinite Earths had been dismantled a little the continuity of the Super-Heroes of the futur, and the subsequent explanations trying to do it more coherent, contribute to dismantle it even more. "Zero Hour" offers the ideal excuse to begin anew the Legionaires story from now on or from zero as the title says and with number 0 in the two series, Legion of Super Heroes and Legionnaires, the futur young heroes rebirth as they never had been, repeating the story, but with sufficient variants, new members and a contemporary vision that made it, albeit it seemed impossible at the begining, still more exciting.
We offer next a list of the current members, characters and complementary groups that make the whole Legion of Super Heroes. In the file of every member we'll see a current image of every one and (when possible) a historic one.
The translation to Spanish names is, in the majority of the occasions, the one used by the Mexican Editorial Novaro in the first stage of the Legion.




Brainiac 5.


Chuck Taine.

Cosmic Boy.

Element Lad.




Invisible Kid.



Live Wire.




Saturn Girl.


Shrinking Violet.

Shvaughn Erin.


Star Boy.


Tenzil Kem.


Ultra Boy.




Kid Quantum.

Other Characters.

Other Groups.


Copyright Oscar de Majo & Mariano Bayona 2000

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La obra de Superman clasificada por años

Otras páginas sobre Superman

Spanish Superman Fan Page    Spanish Superman Homepage    Superman Expandido (Continuación de la anterior)    Superman Moderna (Continuación de la anterior)    Superman Returns    Superman and the Mole Men    George Reeves    Supergirl clásica    Supergirl de Peter David    Supergirl de Jeph Loeb    Superman azul    Superman en España    The Man of Steel    Legion of Super-Heroes    Smallville   

Los otros temas de mis páginas web

Prince Valiant    Tarzan    Flash Gordon & Jungle Jim 1934-1944    El Hombre Enmascarado (The Phantom)    El Guerrero del Antifaz    Pantera Negra y Pequeño Pantera Negra    Los Diez Mandamientos    Kylie Minogue    Kim Wilde    Hurts    Evita 1919 - 1952    La ciudad de Jaca    La ciudad de Amposta

Esta página está dedicada a mi esposa Dolors Cabrera Guillén, fallecida por cáncer el día 12 de marzo de 2007 a las 18.50 y por seguir su última voluntad, ya que conociéndome, antes de morir, me hizo prometerle que no abandonaría la realización de mis páginas web.

Homenaje a Dolors Cabrera Guillén 

(C) Copyright Mariano Bayona Estradera y Dolors Cabrera Guillén 1997 - 2006
Mariano bayona Estradera 2007 / 2011 ....
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